Take Your DIY Skills to the Next Level by Setting Up a Handyman Business

You’ve got the skills and you can build anything you want with your own two hands, but how do you turn that into a viable business? If this is what you’re here to find out, you’re in luck. Throughout this article, we will tell you everything you need to know to get your handyman business off the ground.

Is There a Gap in the Market?

There’s no point in putting out a service if there’s no need for it. If you live in the big city, there’s likely a handyman located every couple of miles or so. However, if you live in quieter areas, there may not be a handyman for miles – this is where you’re in luck. The best thing to do is search for a handyman in the area you wish to trade and see what shows up.

Sniff Out the Competition

While you’re out discovering what’s already out there, you can examine the competition to see whether they’re doing well or not. If they’re successful, you should take notes and mimic what they’re doing, because it obviously works.

Consider the Extra Tasks

Setting up a handyman business means wearing many masks – you will rarely be carrying out DIY work all day. You’ll need to be an accountant and website builder, and you’ll also need to learn how to market yourself properly. Before you dive in with both feet, be prepared for what your day-to-day life will entail.

Figure Your Finances

You’re going to need some cash to get yourself off the ground, and you should know this before you write your business proposal. Fortunately, you won’t need a lot to get started, especially if you already have your tools. Once your business starts moving, you can add gear to your repertoire.

Business Planning

You don’t need to be a scholar to draft down your business plan, you just need to write down your aims and make them clear. Write down what your inspiration is and what your business vision is – perhaps you’re fed up with being treated unfairly by people above you. Then, write down where you see your business being in 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years. Be specific in your plan and write down exactly how much revenue you expect to have made and how many clients you may have.

Licensing and Insurance

You need to cover your back as a business by getting insurance – this will help if anything goes wrong. Further, you need a licence from your state that gives you a big thumbs up to carry out your trade legally.

Find Customers

This is where your inner-marketer comes out. You need to spread the word about your business and get clients. It helps to have a website and a social media presence – this way you can receive positive reviews for your service.

Setting up your handyman business will be hard work, and you’ll need to take on several roles and put in a lot of hours. However, those early days will be worth it in the end.

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